The Chickens Get New Quarters with a Helping Hand

This may be one of the most interesting days at Jubilee Farm in the new era being promoted as ANTHROPOCENE.

From Wiki: The Anthropocene is a proposed geological epoch dating from the commencement of significant human impact on Earth's geology and ecosystems, including, but not limited to, anthropogenic climate change.

We want to recognize that humans do good things, too. They help out mammals who can’t arrange for their own housing. Chickens = Exhibit A. They provide eggs, but they rely on us for housing. We should not be stingy, but it’s a job keeping them from predatory birds and foxes who are abundant in the countryside here.

So here we are moving them from their second home to their third - at twice the real estate. Such luxury and we want to make them happy as they are at 19 weeks and we expect them to be laying eggs at 22 weeks.

So much fun, this exercise of holding them carefully (first batch) and marching chivalrously with them past the pond and up the shaded pine forest path to their new suites.

Here is a picture of Klara, Sophia and Filena horsing around.

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